The Reveal!
Remember the Sneak Peek blog post I put on a few days ago .. well here is the full painting. This painting is now uploaded to the...
Lavender. ˈlav(ə)ndə/
noun 1.a small aromatic evergreen shrub of the mint family, with narrow leaves and bluish-purple flowers, used in perfumery and medicine....
Snapped at Snape ..
Here is one of the great images from the Mayne Gallery photo shoot with John Donaldson, Sophie Gregson - The Art of Glass and Jane Price....
I'll let the print do the talking!
... La Provence Giclee Print
Brand New Print!
Giclee print hot off the press called CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY. In 1975 we moved down to Devon from Sussex in John and Sandi's bright green...
A Summer Vibe ....
‪#‎art‬ ‪#‎johndonaldsonart‬ ‪#‎paintings‬ ‪#‎prints‬
Feel the heat!
You can almost feel the heat in this beautiful view. Le ‪#‎Languedoc‬ - Full Summer in the Corbière hills ‪#‎France‬ . This is available...